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We believe in a wholehearted commitment to Christ.
Wholehearted total commitment to Christ is the only appropriate response for the believer to His Lord. Jesus told us that we must deny our selfish interests and follow in His footsteps if we are to be His true followers. All Christians should take Jesus’ command to take up the cross seriously. Christianity is costly. Living for Christ, and being conformed to His likeness carries with it an ongoing, ever-present challenge. Mark 8:34 and Romans 12:1
We believe in the body of Christ.
Every believer should be an active participant in the Body of Christ. When members of the Body are involved in service to the Lord, the Body will function at full capacity. God has gifted individuals for the purpose of making a significant contribution to His cause. A person’s gifts should be developed and utilized within the context of a local church’s ministries. In that way, we are maximizing everyone’s potential for serving Jesus Christ. Romans 12:4-8
We believe the Bible is truth.
God wants everyone to know and believe His Word. It is the primary means by which God discloses Himself to us and communicates His will to everyone. God’s Word is our guidebook for all of life. It is the basis for authoritative preaching and teaching. It is our error-free, informative manual for modeling Christianity to the world. The Bible is relevant today because our Eternal God is the author. It is imperative that the Bible be read and studied individually, as well as in groups, which will bring about life-changing effects. We want Christians to think and respond to the issues of life from God’s point of view.
Psalm 19, Psalm 119:2, 2 Timothy 3:16&17, 2 Peter 1:20-21
We believe in Prayer.
Prayer is the heartbeat of any service for God. We do not exist independently of Him, and we cannot function without His help. Jesus not only commanded us to pray, but also taught us to pray as He modeled the importance of prayer. It was the habit of God, the Son, to seek His heavenly Father in prayer as He proceeded to carry out the saving plan of the Trinity on earth. We are to follow the example of our Master by praying regularly, fervently, and with faith in the perfect plan and sovereign will our God has for all of us.
Matthew 7:7-11, Philippians 4:6-7
We believe in People.
At every stage of life, from conception to death, human beings’ lives are priceless, because each individual is created in the image of God. We live in a fallen world filled with people in painful circumstances. We want to dignify human life by respecting and responding to all people, whatever their needs. Meeting human needs is at the heart of Christian ministry, especially reaching out to meet a person’s deepest need for a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7, Psalm 8, Psalm 139
We believe in Families.
From the beginning of time the family has had a strategic importance in the plan of God. One of God’s commands to the first couple was to be fruitful and multiply. God created the structure of the family to organize a growing race. As love is practiced in a family, individuals mature, values are formed, faith is perpetuated, and leadership is developed. When there are strong families in the church, our entire family is strengthened and hurting families are healed.
Genesis 2:18, Ephesians 6:1-4, Colossians 3:20, Ephesians 5:25-33
We believe in Discipleship.
We who are called by God are sent as His representatives into the world. We represent Christ by offering both a verbal witness and an exemplary Christ-like life for those people within our sphere of influence. Our mission to the world is to intentionally and actively seek to develop mature followers of Christ among men, women, and children of all races and ethnic groups. We strive to prepare all of the people in our church to confidently and intelligently offer a witness to the saving work of Christ on the cross.
Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 4, Acts 4:1-8
We believe in Worship.
God is worthy of every effort we make, both as individuals or as a body of believers, to praise and honor Him. We worship in reverence and humility when we respond to the revelation of God in His written Word and in the world He created for us. Our worship involves the whole person: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Worship is a lifestyle of obedience and not a once-a-week ritual. Therefore, we encourage everyone in our church body to develop a relationship with God through daily Bible study, prayer, and regular interaction with the people of God.
Exodus 20:3, Hebrews 10:25, John 4:21-22
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